Tuesday, 31 December 2013

Happy 2014

Simple Tree House wishes all a fulfilling and meaningful year ahead!

Sunday, 29 December 2013

The simple & Eco-friendly cleaning-product ( Part 2)

Bicarbonate of soda

Bicarbonate of soda is a miraculous product that has numerous uses in the household and in cooking. Let's take a look at all that bicarbonate of soda has to offer.

The Simple & Eco- friendly cleaning product (Part 1)

White Distilled Vinegar
From cooking and cleaning with vinegar to gardening and home remedies, white distilled vinegar is one of the most versatile and economical products you can have on hand. Once you have realized how useful it is, you might want to stock up this magical liquid!

Sunday, 22 December 2013

Season's Greetings!

Simple Tree House wishes all a Merry Christmas & a Happy New a Year!

We love NPK

Plants need 3 main nutrients in order to grow strong and healthy: Nitrogen( N), Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Different plants require varying level of each. As a rule of thumb, leafy growth is supported by Nitrogen. Phosphorus promotes healthy fruiting and flowering of plants. Potassium encourages strong plant growth and a sturdy plant.

Here are some suggestions of organic fertilizers:

Sunday, 15 December 2013

Herbal Multi-purpose Surface Cleaner

Products made using herbs are inexpensive and the ingredients are easily obtainable. There will be no damaging effects on the environment and it is also less likely to cause allergic reactions on the human body.

This cleaner is good for cleaning sinks and surfaces. The multi-purpose cleaner can be kept in the fridge for about a week.

DIY Green Tea Rice Paper Mask

Green tea contains antioxidant and is excellent against aging. Rice flour in the rice paper has a whitening effect on the skin.
The Green Tea Rice Paper Mask will help keep the skin youthful, smooth and fair. Try it!

DIY Green Living

Saturday, 14 December 2013

Baking Soda Spray for Green gardening

 A common pantry item, sodium bicarbonate (baking soda), can be used to prevent and treat powdery mildew, leaf spot & blight  as well as other fungus disease on plants. As this is a natural substance, it is a safer solution as compared to the chemical fungicides.

Simple DIY Body Scrub

Simple Tree House

Simple Tree house (木の家).
To put it simply, it means DIY green living.
I will be sharing some DIY projects and ideas inspired from the garden-making your own tea, household cleaners  and even beauty products using herbs etc.

So let's get creative in our DIY green living.

An Aspiring Urban Farmer

I am an aspiring urban farmer. My relationship with plants changed when I grew my first batch of greens. Like most new gardeners, I was amazed and touched when those little seedlings started pushing out of the soil. From then on, I was officially a grow-your-own convert. I grow my food in the balcony of my small humble apartment. And by food I mean greens, herbs, fruits and hopefully more. I wouldn't say I especially gifted in gardening, but I was highly motivated by my fresh  supply of ingredients from my own balcony

My hope is to inspire people to cut down on their carbon footprints by growing their own food. I also want to evoke a sort of small-scale self-sufficiency in the daily life of urbanites.